Friday, March 20, 2009

Pertengahan 2007

Mid 2007...

Tiba tiba loe telpon gue.... nanyain kabar dll... cerita segala macem sampe curhat juga.
You said " I Still Love You " ... Wow !
Sejujurnya perasaan gue juga masih sama... selama ini gue gak pernah kontak elo krn gue gak mau ganggu kehidupan loe yg baru... (I'm trying to be a hero, but i'm not)

You said that you are still thinking about me... believe it or not, i still do too ...
I cannot believe this is happening to us, i feel so connected to you...!
Is this a True Love ?
Knowing that we are still have the same strong feelings for each other, shocked me...
I feel so Happy..
I feel so Happy..
I feel so Happy..
I feel so Confuse ...

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